I've recently started to work wit foundation.js. My primary goal for work with foundation is to generate very fast mockups. After completing the first project I've taken a bit of time to learn a bit more.
Here are some insights which were difficult to discover within the documentation:
- #slack is available but not active enough to get answers
- Foundation is primarily sass or css framework. If you need to do anything more than build a mockup it is probably not going to have any code you need.
- Using multiple document layouts:
- managed by panini which is really handlebars.js
- can speed up static prototyping.
- may help with PWA using http 2.0
- you need to have a {{> body}} handlebar in the template.
- you have to add YAML FrontMatter to to the page (is this mr Jekyll ?)
- the YAML needs to reference the layout ie: layout: file-name-without-ext
- if you reference missing layout you will get errors.
- Panini is based on handlebars.js and handlebars may have you covered if you need a little more than the panini documentation mentions - as the documentation is not very comprehensive. So getting familiar with http://handlebarsjs.com/builtin_helpers.html can accelerate your work if you want to go to proof of concept or minimum viable product without investing in a framework.
- Lorem Ipsum ... and http://placehold.it/ are your friends - avoid real date as long as possible it will bifurcate the complexity of your project and slow you down.
- Frontmatter can help you understand and prototype the data needed to introduce to merge with the static markup in order to make the site dynamic. i.e.
- FrontMatter dataLayer is faster than
- Mocking data say using faker.js which is faster than
- Building a backend with fake data which is faster than
- Building the backend with real data
- Try to leverage partials
- by splitting the html into its smallest components. This makes sense if your next step is to convert to components.
- If you are going to write tests you probably want to work on small isolated units first.
- You will probably want to use the CLI based setup as it provides a flexible project to work with and allows rapid introduction of "components". Using the framework is covered in some detail at this page.
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